miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

#Mastery22 What type of repetition should I use?

When programing, the use of repetition is very usfull, it makes a program shorter, and more efficient.
But there are many types of repetition in Python, witch one should I use?

Here is a qwick guide with my recomendations.


While loops are used when there is a factor that whill be changin 'n' times and you want to stop when said factor changes, also if the user is in control of the loop, if the factor is proned to change you use a while loop. (Learn More about While loops).

while (x==0):
     x=int(input("stop?, 0=no 1=yes")

Another example.


For loops are used when you want your process to loop for the amount of time inside a range, When the amount of times it will loop is already pre-determined, either by the user or the programmer, you use a For loop.(Learn more about For loops).

1 example.

Recursion is used when a function will repeat inside itself, func-ception, it will till a certian answer is reached, this one is tricky because you need to build the fuction with recursion in mind.
My most recent WSQs have been using recursion, so why dont you check that out?.

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